Here's a few things you need to know before exploring this crappy blog of mine..

Copyright, conditions of use, & disclaimer :

  • The materials in this blog is a personal thoughts/opinion/view of the author and any content which is not mine are provided with link of the sources/website. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site.
  • Unless otherwise statedphotos (especially photos of me, my family, or anything that I personally have taken) in this blog are belong to the me@blog author. Most of the photos that belong to me are labeled with 'dadaijulius|photo' or 'dadaiblog|photo'.      
  • The lyrics and chord of songs that are on this blog are copyright of Singer / Artists / Bands, Songwriters, and Recording Company pertaining to each respective song. All media such as lyrics and chord, Translation Song Lyrics, and more just a media campaign and evaluation. If you like the song according to the lyrics of the songs published on this blog then you can buy a CD Original, Original VCD, DVD Original, Original Cassette, or RBT / NSP(Personal Tone) is concerned to support the song singer / Artists / Bands, Songwriters, and Recording Company of the song in order to continue working.                                                      

  • Photo Conditions Of Use:

  • Permission granted for anyone to use the picture in a non-commercial manner for their reports, power point presentations and other class room activities as long as Credit is given to the respective author/The URL to the website is includedPlease give prior notice before using any photos/information (owned by author) in this blog. 
  • Any picture MAY NOT be used to promote or be associated with pornographic or other purposes that might be illegal.
  • The Author reserves the right to deny usage of the images to individual persons or entities if we deem such usage not to be in the best interest of dadaijulius.blogspot.com or its partner sites.

  • Dadai Julius/the author reserves the right to change this notice at any time. Any question, contact me at dadaijl90@gmail.com.
    Peace! ^_^

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