Hi fellas!
hmmm nice weather today here in Pitas ^^. How's there?
Anyway, nice or not, just enjoy the day because it is a new day, a new apportunity given to improve our life. Be grateful for that.
Nah just now, I just finished watching a video titled "Are Malaysians racist?". Salute to the producer for come up with this idea to do an experiment regarding to racism issues in Malaysia. Honestly, it was disturbing because racial hatred seems to rise/getting worse. And I was thinking, what future it will lead? A war? Malaysia is unique because of its diversity of races, religions and cultures. But true unity and peace between this diversity, that is the most precious thing and must be preserve. Unique country, without unity and peace, there's nothing to proud of.
This video, that i watched just now bring a new hope and renew my faith in Malaysian. The racist people should watch this. Different race defending others. I believe that most Malaysian wish that racism not exist in this country. Well, who want a chaos country?
I read an article says "racism does not exist without you".
Yes, I agree to say "Racism has never existed"..but people create it. If you choose to treat and respect people equally, then racism would not exist. It will be hard because some people would not treat and respect us just how we did. Well, what we should do? Me? I will just IGNORE them.
When arguing with fools, don't answer their foolish arguments, or you will become as foolish as they are (Proverbs 26:4-14).
So....Malaysians, lets live together and feel all right.
Happy Malaysia Day 2014! and Have a great weekend ^_______^. Till the next post.
Dadai Julius
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