Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Seat Belts story

Hi (•_¤)
Bored at ponteng sekejap la sini..
Just a random thought la ni mau di share..
Tadi tym siok-siok melayan jiwang, terlintas pula kejadian lucu pasal tali pinggang keledar ni.
haha siapa malas pakai tali pinggang keledar sila angkat tangan!!???
nahhh mengakulah, mesti ramai kan yang tidak ambil peduli pun pasal pemakaian tali pinggang keledar ni. Pasang lagu kuat-kuat lagi supaya x dengar tu seat belts alarm ding ding ding...
bha begini la cerita saya : 
Pada suatu petang, rutin la setiap hari dari rumah ke ofis..and memang x pakai seat belts pun sebab bukannya jauh ofis...dalam 5 min sampai la. Inda sangka pula trafik ni buat road block setelah 1 tahun lebih sa lalu ni jalan. Bah apa lagi kelam kabut tarik seat belts...tarik punya tarik xboleh..sangkut..brek kejap then tarik lagi, xbole juga. Relax..relax..Tarik lembut-lembut, dan akhirnya mau juga tali ni. Lega.haha yang lucunya dari jauh memang senyum2 suda tu pak polisi. Memang ketara la bha xpakai seat belts (≧◡≦). Apa pun lepas juga la, x juga kena tahan.
Haha kejadian yg sama juga pernah berlaku sama si kawan ni, sampai mereng-mereng bha jalan sebab kelam kabut tarik seat belts (☉__☉”) eemmm hahahaha lucu.

Persoalannya kenapa ka tym kita desperate mau tarik tu seat belts xbole pula???...
> That's how the seat belts work la. Memang kana set sudah begitu. Bila kita tekan break dengan automatiknya seat belts memainkan peranan dalam mengurangkan kesan Inertia. Ini untuk mengelakkan kita daripada menghentam tu dasboard/stering kereta terutama kalau kita break/berhenti secara mengejut. Sama juga keadaannya bila kita tarik seat belts di jalan selekoh, memang xbole/keras la sebab seat belts sedang memain kan peranannya untuk memgelakkan badan kita dari menghentam (ngam ka ni perkataan????) dinding kereta.
So, kalau kamu dalam keadaan macam dalam cerita saya tu, kasi pelan tu kereta, xpayah tekan break mengejut lepas minyak ja, pastu tarik seat belts dengan tenang. Lagi bagus pakai seat belts siap-siap sebelum jalan. Macam saya (minta puji). Haha 5 min pigi ofis pun pakai seat belts sudah. Utamakan safety bha.
Source : thescienceclassroom
No seat belts vs With seat belts
Nah jangan kita pandang ringan pemakaian seat belts ni. Kalau xsayang nyawa sendiri, ingat orang-orang tersayang kamu...eeermmm macam mana pula mau sayang orang lain kalau x sayang diri sendiri kan. heee apa yang penting safety bogia. Biar orang kasi ketawa (bongo tu orang) yang penting selamat.

Bah itu saja la kio. Hati-hati kalau memandu kadi.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

My Thought : Homebirth

Hi O.O How a you? I'm fine.
These are rambling thought about ;
Home birth vs Hospital Birth...hmmmm Interesting Issues.. 

How on earth did I came to this issues aaa? O_O
Hmmmm ooo...kemarin kemarin I come across someone's blog that write her opinion about home birth vs hospital birth. So, according to her opinion written in the blog, she is strongly disagree with home birth la. Then a lot of people comments on her blog regarding that issues. Some support the author (mostly her follower la) and a lot from anonymous readers disagree with what she write on her blog. Haha not a big deal because everybody thinks differently. Everybody has their own point of View.
So, what is my opinion? Which side I am? Home birth or hospital birth?
Haha fyi I'm not married yet, soon to be...I'm just sharing my opinion la.

Home birth? Is it really a big deal? Absolutely,  especially in this day and age. The human being, parasites organism, diseases and the environment are evolving. Home birth is a big deal because of all these things. Choosing home birth, one must consider the mother's health itself, the hygiene, the environment, professional assistance and knowledge about the risk that they might encounter before, during and after the birth. Professional assistance/midwife maybe not a prob because nowadays, more and more people/woman are into this career. 
So, am I rejecting home birth? No! 
Will I choose homebirth? hmmm probably No. heeee
But i'm not accusing anyone who prefer home birth instead of going to the hospital. I personally think that home birth is very special way for delivery because every part of your family can share this joyful moment. I'm also born homebirth and out of 9 siblings (including me), 5 of us born homebirth. But my mom's home birth assisted by experienced (not trained) midwife and few days after labor my parent refer us to clinic for further inspection, vaccination etc. In the past, pregnant mothers especially at remote rural areas have no choice other than homebirth due to unavailability of accommodation and financial problem.  

Of course, there are huge different during the past and present. The food we eat during pregnancy, the environment, infectious disease, the psychological and emotion of the mothers ; all these condition affecting us nowadays. The quality of the food we eat and the air we inhale, emotional and social health maybe some of the contributing factor for the high-risk pregnancy.
Even though I prefer traditional ways in most everything, but in this case hospital birth maybe the best way for both mother and the baby. Unless, they are capable to prepare all the necessary things needed for home birth ; trained midwife, hygiene tools etc. But the most important is ; Am I prepared to take a RISK? 
And this is the most important things that I think all pregnant mothers should ask themselves if they choose home birth. If they are in high-risk pregnancy group, homebirth might not be suitable for them. 
Anyway, before you come up with decision between homebirth vs hospital birth, make sure you ask/seek advise from the professional especially the medical expert.  

haha not even married and i'm talking about these pregnancy and delivery stuff. Useful information bah...Some of the mothers at my village often ask me about all these stuff because they thought if you work in health related field, you must know everything about health problem and the solution/cure..
I wish i'm a doctor...haha no la...busy busy busy... 

Think and write....think again and, this is unplanned post...haha someone gonna laugh at my english O_O 

okay, bye! 

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