Shalom!...midnight ad...wooo I sooo tired of packing!plus tired of fullness~I just had my dinner right after i finished packing...yeah I know it's late already. tomorrow we're going back to college a.k.a hostel...I thought I've been successfully reduce my stuff after mailing some of it...haha I do...but when I took out all my stuff, oh my gosh! i still keeps a lot of stuff, and trying to arrange where to pack this and that makes me tired...anyway, I am all packed now and ready to go!~tomorrow~
Sayonara Kluang!
huuuu so tired to write but I just want to write..hoho
since today is my last day here, gonna write it out as a day to remember...I have learned and developed a lot personally and professionally through my training here...hehe i can say I'm 70% prepared to be a Health Inspector Officer...A million of Appreciation & Thanks to our trainer and Pejabat Kesihatan Kluang staff for their dedication and continuous support throughout our one year training here...kamsamnida!! ^_^
doakan kami supaya menjadi PPKP yang berdedikasi dan berjaya kelak...hopefully kami tidak menunggu terlalu lama untuk posting nanti. takut berkarat ilmu di dada...haha
◜0◝wanna go to bed already...tomorrow need to wake up before 8am...
but before that, gonna keep some of my memorable training photos here ---
first week of our training in Kluang~visit St Louis Church's office to get the information about the mass~
minggu pertama praktikal di Kluang~Trainer yang pertama~the tallest at the centre.
Thank you so much En Lim...very dedicated trainer :)
Aktiviti pertama bersama PKD~gotong-royong(Dengue prevention)
after gotong-royong with orang kampung~Gotong royong petik buah rambutan pula heeee sedap woo ^___^ the villagers are so nice, they give us free rambutan lio..
7/10 trainee in PLK Kluang...all of us have one thing in common~ ^_^ we love photoshoot heeeeee
tugasan pertama praktikal~agensi yang mempunyai kerjasama dengan pihak kesihatan - my group visit the Fire station...heee best!
Jabatan Meteorologi Kluang - dpat belajar something tentang peranan
Jab. Met...
penyerahan tugas trainer~after one week~our next trainer, En Hasa. thanks for your continuous support and dedication, En Hasa..:)
Our trainer until the end of our training...Thank you Mr Hisham. We learned a lot from you, and forever it will be treasured...^.^
Pengambilan sampel darah...
On the ship...Another assignment under IHR..
view from the ship..
Mr Hafizul and Mr Fitri...they help us a lot during our training for International Health~at Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas. Thank You!
Health Promotion in Sekolah Taman Seri Kluang..
Done editing (12/11/2012)... Unexpected...sangat2 sibuk sebaik sahaja balik ke hostel...I just finished with the church program yesterday...tomorrow got another program waiting for us...hehe tired but I'm enjoying this. I'm dealing with an ending..heee approximately one month to finish my study...every moment shared will be more precious..
I'm off!